Brussels Sprouts

Easy Oven Roasted


"Thanks for this post Alyse, brussels sprouts is one of the vegetables I am supposed to be eating due to my health condition but each time I see it in the shops, I walk right past it because I don’t know what to do to make it easy to eat. Now I know, thanks to you.  I’ll also look out for the ones on the Stalk."



 2 Cups Whole Brussels Sprouts sliced thin  1 tbsp Olive Oil  1 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar  dash Salt dash Pepper


Preheat Oven to 400 Wash Brussel Sprouts


Thinly Slice Brussel Sprouts Toss with Olive Oil and Balsamic Add dash of Salt and Pepper


Spread onto baking mat to prepare easy crispy oven roasted brussel sprouts

Roast for 15 minutes  Flip and roast brussel sprouts for 15 more minutes or to desired crispiness.


Enjoy Easy Oven Roasted Crispy Brussel Sprouts!!