A Little About Me!

Welcome!  My name is Alyse and I am the
founder of healthyfoodieonline.com

I live in California with my family and 2 dogs.  I have a degree in
Journalism and Advertising from SDSU.  I enjoy the beach, theatre and volleyball.

Healthy eating is a passion of mine and I’ve always focused on eating well to feel great.
I’m interested in helping people to do the same and think outside the box when it comes to health.

My mission is to give you the tools and information you need to eat healthy and feel great!  There are many ways to keep your body healthy.  I walk daily, use supplements, and buy organic food items when possible.

Healthy Foodie is a health and wellness blog dedicated to helping people feel confident in
making lifestyle changes and educate themselves on healthy eating.

Eat Healthy And Feel Great!

So if you are ready to begin your healthy living journey but aren’t sure where to start, you are in the right place!

Don’t want to miss a thing? Sign up here and receive weekly emails. I’ll notify you of new blog posts, discounts, freebies, and more!

healthy foodie logo

Refer a friend… and they can get the detox training guide free when they sign up here!

If you have questions or need to contact me right away, head over to my contact page and fill out the form.

Until next time…  Alyse

Healthy Foodie

6755 Mira Mesa Blvd. Ste 123-381
San Diego CA 92121

I hope you have a healthy day!!

IAPO International Association of Professional Wellness Coaches Program Trainee