Supplements For Inflammation – Improve Your Health Today!

supplements for inflammation

If you’re suffering from body pain, fatigue, and other signs of chronic inflammation, you may wonder if supplements can help. Supplements for inflammation are products that support the body’s natural immune response, helping to heal chronic inflammation which may be caused by an injury or illness. They are often in powder, liquid, pill, or capsule form, and several are even available in chewy gummies or in relaxing teas. Healthy eating helps to maintain your mental and physical wellness, while supplements provide additional nutrients which boost nutrition when daily food intake isn’t enough. Natural substances like chia, algae oil and turmeric, prevent inflammation from damaging your cells and tissues.

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What is the Fastest Way to Reduce Inflammation in the Body?

Supplements For Inflammation

Matcha and Chia

The soothing benefits of matcha can be enjoyed in everything from tea to frozen desserts. Matcha is a green colored powder, which hints at its antioxidant properties. The catechins in matcha are responsible for its anti inflammatory benefits, and drinking this tea daily also improves your focus, activates your body’s fat burning capabilities, and boosts your immune system. Chia seeds help to complete your diet and chia protects your tissues from oxidative stress. You can get chia seeds as a powder that can be added to beverages or enjoyed as seeds in salads or other recipes.


You may already be eating mushrooms because they are a protein and fiber rich addition to salads, soups, and stir frys. But did you know that mushrooms also contain a selection of vitamin B and a powerful antioxidant called selenium? Selenium helps to support the immune system which can prevent inflammation and damage to cells. There are a wide variety of mushroom supplements available in capsule form or as a powder all providing immune support. Check out the wide selection here at Thrive Market.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation naturally. You can get these fatty acids from krill oil, chia seeds, flax seeds or walnuts. If you’re vegan, you can get the same benefit from a supplement made with algae oil. Algae oil contains both omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids which are also important for brain health and managing heart disease.

Turmeric, Spirulina and Ginger

Turmeric, spirulina, and ginger are often found together in herbal blends that help to heal damaged tissues. Like other supplements for inflammation, they encourage complete recovery by supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Ginger can be used dried, powdered or fresh in recipes.  It originated from China and belongs to the Zingiberaceae family.  It’s closely related to turmeric.  It can be used for many purposes like reducing nausea, helping with digestion and help fight the flu.

Turmeric is a flowering plant, Curcuma longa of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, the roots of which are used in cooking.   The most active compound in turmeric is curcumin which is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.  Turmeric helps to prevent heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

SUPPLEMENTS FOR INFLAMMATION-improve your health today! - spirulina powder from thrive


Spirulina is a complete food that contains all the proteins and other nutrients we need for good health. Extracted from both salt and freshwater, this blue-green algae is cultivated worldwide to help with inflammation, gut health, and nutritional deficiencies. Stick to the recommended dosage of spirulina while using it in smoothies or in pill form, to reduce pain, and other inflammation symptoms.  Learn more about spirulina here from


There are many supplements like ginger and turmeric, which help with inflammation, and if one of them is not a good match for you, there are many others, like spirulina, that can help to improve your health. You don’t have to struggle daily from pain or health problems due to inflammation. There are natural remedies that can solve many problems.

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I hope this information helps you to understand, how supplements for inflammation can help you to enjoy better health. You can get all of these health boosters online at Thrive Market and step forward into the life you deserve.  I’m a member of Thrive Market and I’ve enjoyed the savings of organic selections delivered to my front door.

Learn more here for how to improve supplementation.

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  1. Thanks a lot for providing this information. last year a friend of mine was diagnosed of inflammatory bowel disease.The symptoms included  chronic diarrhea and belly pain. I felt really sorry for her and sadly there was nothing I can do to hep her. Now that I know this,  I certainly will recommend these products to her right away.

    1. @hillarydandy thank you for visiting my website today and reading my article.  I hope these tips can help your friend!  Please let me know if you have any questions.

  2. in life as a living being being we need food but not unnutritious food. when i started to know what is life like know that am up to the age of feeding my self. i never known of nutrition i eat food in such a way that is not supposed be so am that caused a lot of pain to my system and skin,by making my skin shrink and after eating I feel pain in some part of my body.lately i came across organic protein and organic spirulina powder they really helped in my living suggestion to every human being is to maintain the appropriate balance diet or better still use organic protein or spirulina powder question is can protein have abuse.

    1. @loveremma thank you for visiting my website!  I think anything in moderation is safe.  Not to worry about abuse as long as you consume in moderation.

  3. Thank you! I just started taking a supplement after getting my blood test results back! Love your website!

  4. hello dear..

    thank you so much for sharing such an insightful post on supplement for inflammation to increase your health.I must say that you did quite an amazing job sharing these tips on how to help improve your health it is indeed a review chock full of useful information and I can’t wait to dig deep and start with rising resources you given here…

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  5. I too have an autoimmune disease. I have ulcerative colitis. I had been reading about benefits of turmeric and started including it in my daily routine

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