What Is Moringa In?

The Moringa tree is known as one of the most nutritious trees available. It’s used almost entirely due to its rich antioxidant qualities and includes most of the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. So what is Moringa in exactly? Let’s find out but first let’s find out what it is.
It grows on a tree called Moringa oleifera. The Moringa oleifera tree is native to Africa and South Asia. It’s now grown all over the world and it’s gaining popularity. There are many medicinal and nutritional uses for the tree which can be consumed almost entirely including the bark, stem, flowers, leaves and the pods. This tree has multiple uses and some cultures use it widely for health benefits. It grows rapidly in very hot and dry climates.
Moringa is actually a superfood available in many different products. I mean who would’ve thought? I had never heard of it until recently after trying Super Greens and Power Matcha from YourSuper. I’ve tried many of the healthy powders from them and I’ve enjoyed learning about all the different ingredients from around the world. Organic ingredients from around the world and supporting environmentally conscious farmers is so impactful to the communities in need.
Moringa is one of a very important ingredient found in some of the powders from yoursuper.com. You can learn more about the powders by clicking below and be sure to use discount code HEALTHYFOODIE at checkout.
Moringa helps you feel healthy and energetic
Moringa Tree Uses Facts
- The roots are like horseradish and can also be used to make tea
- Tree trunk juices can be used on skin to heal cuts
- Seeds from the pods are mashed into an oil and the cakey substance leftover is used for water purification in developing communtities
- Seed oil is used to regenerate skin cells and other skin issues
- Leaves are dried and made into a powder that can be used in many ways
- Leaves can be eaten just like spinach
- The seed pods are similar to green beans
- The moringa flower can be made into pressed juice or strong medicinal tea
Moringa is more nutritious than kale
Gram per gram Moringa is more nutritious than many ordinary household staples that we eat daily. Try moringa instead of many foods that we eat on a daily basis. It has 17x more grams than milk (calcium), 25x more grams than spinach (iron), 9x more grams than plain yogurt (protein), 10x more grams than carrots (vitamin A), 7x more grams than an orange (vitamin C), and 15x more grams than bananas (potassium).
Health Benefits of Moringa
Also called the Miracle Tree, Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree there are many health benefits from the leaf powder. See the list below:
- Better digestion
- Boost immune system
- Reduce fatigue
- Blood sugar stability
- Improve sleep
- More energy
- Lowers inflammation
- Improve acne
- Improve aging skin
- Help with weight loss
- Reduce stress
- Supports growth of muscle mass
- Anti-inflammatory
Moringa is a powerful natural adaptogen
Always purchase from a reputable organic provider
Why Moringa?
Moringa can help support and improve many illnesses and ailments. Keep in mind that when using herbs such as moringa that it’s to support not to cure all. An overall healthy lifestyle rich in proper nutrition, exercise and mental energy are highly recommended. There are some health improvements listed here that have been reported by users that have used moringa.
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Chrone’s Disease
- Arthritis
- Insomnia
- Thyroid Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes
- Constipation
- Heart Disease
- Headache
- Kidney Stones
What is Moringa in?
Moringa is available in powder, liquid, tablets and capsules. I’ve seen it from Thrive market in products such as tea, topical oil, liquid extract, beverage shots, and skin cleanser. Click here to go to the Thrive market offerings of moringa products. The flavor of the product is somewhat like spinach so it can be added to smoothies, soups, casseroles and salads. Since becoming a member of the Thrive Market, I’ve enjoyed visiting the website and learning about all the unique products they offer.
Also available from YourSuper by clicking here, I’ve tried it in Super Greens and Power Matcha. It’s such a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. It’s 25% plant protein and includes all 9 essential amino acids. 24% fiber and a rich source of iron, vitamin K and E. It’s high in antioxidants, calcium and vitamin A.
This is a great video about moringa and a company that is distributing it widely.
When you use the links on this page to make a purchase I may get a small commission and you may get a great bargain. It’s a win-win all around. Full disclosure.
Studies done on Moringa
According to Kuli Kuli Foods, Moringa is rich in antioxidants that fight against oxygen-free radicals, which can contribute to cholesterol build-up and inflammation. Studies suggest that moringa may help reduce the number of free radicals, improve the function of the heart, and prevent cell damage along blood vessel walls. There are several studies done with the use of moringa. I’ve read endless stories of success and people in developing countries returning to good health after consuming moringa. I wonder what would happen in the US if people started using moringa instead of harmful pharmaceutical drugs. I’m sharing this link here if you want to read more about the case studies. It’s very interesting!!
I would love to grow my own moringa tree. Click here for an extensive guide to growing and harvesting your own tree.
Photo of a full grown moringa tree
I’m so happy that I can learn more and share here with you facts about the moringa tree. I hope that understanding what is moringa in will help you make a better decision when trying to make a purchase. Please let me know if you have any questions and please leave comments below with any of your thoughts about moringa.
The information contained in this website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a doctor.
Hello there, thanks for sharing this really amazing article as it has contributed to my life greatly within the circle of this article. People have often disregarded naturally stuffs and they is something that is not good and needs to be corrected early. Moringa has some really surprising benefits and anyone would be happy to share a knowledge of it.
@Justin I’m glad you agree. It’s been amazing for my health. Thanks for commenting and visiting my article WHAT IS MORINGA IN?
I have heard about moringa but it wasn’t until a latino friend of mine started to insist that at her place all her family were taking it and the results boasted their general health that I didn’t start researching about it.
Among the benefits I see you state it give energy and improves our sleep. These two are enough reasons for me to give it a try. Thanks!
@Ann I think you will find amazing results. And be sure to let me know when you do. It’s been great for me. Thanks for visiting today.
I have heard of Moringa but had no idea what it actually was and where it comes from. Very interesting and informative article. I always add Super Greens from YourSuper to my green smoothies and absolutely love it! It’s nice to know more about the amazing ingredients. Thank you!
@Lori I agree…so interesting all the herbs available.
I enjoyed reading your article about Moringa. I was not aware of the Moringa tree. I have some health issues and I believe this product will help me. I’m thinking of ordering the bars. Do you think the bars will have the same benefit as the powder? I appreciate reading your articles.
Thanks, Norene
@Norene If you are out and about, I think the bars are for people on the go but I recommend the Super Greens powder from yoursuper. You can see it by clicking here. Thank you for visiting again.
It’s amazing to me that I have never heard of Moringa before! It is an incredible superfood with so many health benefits that I will buy some Moringa powder.
I have several superfood powders that I mix into fruit and powder drinks that I mix up in a blender. It’ incredible to be able to get nutrient-dense, high antioxidant foods that taste good and are low calorie to help strengthen immune system and overall health.
I love learning from your articles and I have to say, I believe I am healthier thanks to including some of the things I’ve learned. I look forward to reading more of your articles in the future.
@Glenn thank you so much! I’m so glad we can all get healthier together!!!
Hi Alyse,
Great article on Moringa! I don’t mind the taste of spinach so I might give it a try. It’s amazing all the things we can learn from other countries about good nutrition.
Hi Alyse,
Moringa is pretty well known in Indonesia. Even here among Indonesians who live in America, we share moringa seeds and grow it in our garden. In Indonesian, we call this plant “daun kelor.” With the many benefits of moringa, I am glad you recommend a great product like Moringa In to improve our family’s health.
Thank you for sharing this post.
@Ferra I would love to see your garden! Send pics if you can and best wishes for good health!! Thank you for visiting today!