How to Eat Healthy at College

college student walking

Are you rushing to class and skipping meals? The start of a New Year and a new semester of college is the perfect opportunity to focus on healthy eating!  Healthy eating is a habit that can be learned at any point in your life.  My last article gave some helpful tips about How To Eat Healthy At College Dining Halls, but healthy habits need to happen outside of the dining halls too! So I’m going to focus here on how to eat healthy at college when the dining hall isn’t an option.

Which Nutrients are Lacking in the Diet of College Students?

The first step in eating healthy is understanding some of the basic nutrients that your body needs. According to collegepuzzle, some of the most common nutrient deficiencies in college students are Zinc, Calcium, and Vitamin B12. They also reported studies that revealed about 59% of American college students are nutrient deficient. Focusing on foods that contain these nutrients or taking supplements will help you to form healthy habits for the rest of your life.  Check out the best college grocery list that’s dorm friendly.


Consuming dairy and some other animal products can give your body the Vitamin B12 that it needs. Zinc can be found in meat, beans, nuts and some breakfast cereals. Milk, cheese and various leafy green vegetables are a great source of calcium as well. In addition to these, of course, be sure your body is getting enough protein, carbs, fats, and other vitamins and minerals. Look to include these nutrients into your meals to ensure your body is receiving everything it needs to function properly.

Supplements are a great option when you are not able to consume all the recommended food groups. I’m proud to suggest several ways to supplement with organic and healthy alternatives. I’ve used these products and can stand behind the quality. Always check ingredients when taking a supplement and purchase from a reputable source. Be sure to check with your doctor if you are currently taking any medications.

Here are my favorite supplements that I have used and like:

YourSuperFoods-Organic superfood powders with amazing results. Use coupon code HEALTHYFOODIE

Feel Good Superfoods-Organic superfood immune support shots. Use coupon code HEALTHYFOODIE

how to eat healthy at college

Orgain Protein Powder-Organic powders to add to smoothies. Use coupon code HEALTHYFOODIEONLINE

When you use the links on this page to make a purchase I may get a small commission and you may get a great bargain. It’s a win-win all around. Full disclosure.

How Can I Eat Healthy In College Without Cooking?

Although some college students are lucky enough to have a kitchen, most students tend to rely on their meal plans. However, a busy schedule and heavy course load can make it difficult for some students to even make it to the dining hall when it’s open.

So, how can you eat a nutritious meal without cooking?


5 Tips to Eating Healthy in College

For those days when the dining hall isn’t an option, here are some tips to make sure you’re eating healthy:

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast

A little goes a long way as far as breakfast is concerned. Many people don’t make the time for breakfast, especially busy college students rushing to their early morning classes. But even just a quick protein shake or packet of oatmeal will help to start your day. A healthy breakfast gives your body the fuel it needs to face the day and keep up with your course load.  Some great healthy choices to grab and go would be: oatmeal, superfood supplements, smoothie, food bar or fruit.


2. Invest in a Mini Fridge

Many college campuses sell or rent mini fridges to the students but there are also some great and inexpensive refrigerators out there! Investing in a mini fridge allows you to keep more food options close at hand. This way, you’re more likely to turn to healthier alternatives like fresh fruit, vegetables, and Greek yogurt instead of making that late night fast food run. A mini fridge is also great for saving your leftovers from the dining hall to eat when you’re in a hurry.  Learn more here about mini fridges.

3. Get Non-Perishable Snacks

With or without a refrigerator, keeping your dorm room stocked with nutritious non-perishable snacks is a great way to maintain a balanced diet. I recommend getting yourself some protein and granola bars as well as nuts or trail mix for a quick on-the-go snack. Almond butter or peanut butter paired with an apple or banana is a nutritious option that doesn’t require cooking at all! Regardless, making sure to keep a healthy snack on you at all times will also help you to fight the temptation to eat out and spend extra money.


4. Try Out an Immersion Blender or Personal Blender

Immersion or Personal blenders are super convenient and easy to use. I have a couple articles to help you find the perfect blender for you! These blenders are cheaper and more portable alternatives that are great for making healthy smoothies to take with you on the way to class. You can also use your blender to make soups or whip up eggs to cook in the microwave. Check out the Ninja Personal Blender below for a great solution to making smoothies.

5. Stick to a Routine

Sometimes the days just aren’t long enough for college students, and late night studying also means late night fast food runs. But, one way to eat healthy in college and save money is by breaking this habit. Sticking to somewhat of a schedule when you eat will make you more mindful of what and how much you are consuming. Consider a healthy subscription box that can ship to college once per month. Check out this article here for great healthy subscription boxes.

How Can I Live a Healthy Lifestyle in College?

While a nutritious diet is a great start to health and wellness, you have to practice other healthy habits as well. Try to incorporate these healthy lifestyle choices as well:

Drink More Water I know, it seems like the answer to everything. But drinking the appropriate amount of water can work wonders for your physical and mental wellness. Nearly 75% of Americans suffer from what studies refer to as “chronic dehydration” and college students are definitely no exception. So instead of reaching for the coffee or energy drinks, try drinking more water instead.


ExerciseYou don’t have to have a gym membership to work some exercise into your day. Carving out some time to take a small walk around campus or a quick jog down the street will help to keep up your health. Most college campuses also have gyms that are open to student use. Plus, staying active is a great way to reduce stress, increase your energy and even help your mood. So take a study break! Grab a friend, find a workout you are comfortable with and get moving!

Give Your Body Some Rest As important as it is to stay active, it is even more important to give your body the rest that it needs. Never underestimate the power of sleep! It can be tough to get to bed on time when it feels like your work is starting to stack up on you. But a good night’s sleep will give you the boost that you need to power through your classes and assignments. Check out my article here for tips on sleeping.


I hope my article How to Eat Healthy at College has helped to educate you on making healthy lifestyle and wellness choices. I’m always interested in hearing your thoughts. Please comment below and check out my article 20 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle. Be sure to register with your email to get your free checklist.

Check out this great video all about my favorite Feel Good Superfoods and the immune support shots.  I have the fruit punch flavor and it’s great!  Get more info here!

How to Eat Healthy at College - girl eating apple
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  1. Alyse, The immersion blender seems very easy to use. I will read more about it and possibly order the blender.
    Thanks so much for your articles.

  2. Hey Alyse,

    This is such an important article for my nephew. He hasn’t been in college for very long and I just know he is eating rubbish and behaving like a typical college lad. I think I need to share your article and your advice with him, while he is still in the early years of college. Whether he takes on your advice is another thing.

    So, I am going to share this with his parents too and encourage them to advise him. They probably already are, but I don’t think they have advice that is as good as yours.

    I will let you know how I get on with my nephew and with his parents too. If there are any questions or issues then I will get in touch.

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


  3. Hey Alyse,

    Amazing article to understand the significance of healthy eating for overall long term health and well being.

    True that many college students engage in poor diet habits as they often run late to classes, hectic assignments, and deadlines which leads to high intake of fast foods, erratic eating, and low intake of healthy nutrients.

    Organic supplements mentioned in your article are a must-try as they can replace nutritional deficiency and improve health.

    Yet including fruits and required vitamins in diet meal is important too. Tips given by you on how to maintain a healthy diet are great as well Thanks!


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